Weekend Snippets #11


I’m back and continuing with a snippet from  FOREWARNING, the first book of my Horses and Healing Mysteries series.


Kasey Martin, an energetic healer who has renounced her skills, awakens in the middle of a storm. When a sudden wave of pain hits her, she realizes that someone–a man–is injured and she goes to investigate. She finds the man lying under a horse shelter, but his pain and her fear make her hesitate and decide to go for help.


The pickup surged backward then jerked to a stop. Kasey dropped her forehead to the steering wheel. He can’t wait for anyone else. She lifted her head and took a deep shuddering breath. Then she visualized a golden ball of energy surrounding her, creating a protective barrier against the stranger’s agony, while a shaft of white light filled her with calm and strength.

Shaken and unsure, she grabbed the first aid kit and a waterproof horse blanket from the backseat. The ground sucked at her boots as she hurried to the injured man, knelt and spread the blanket over him.


Forewarning Cover
 Grieving and guilt-stricken after her husband’s suicide, Kasey Martin has closed her energetic healing practice and retreated to her Oregon horse ranch. One night, she rescues a badly injured man, and against her better judgment, uses her neglected skills to save his life. This starts her on an unexpected journey of healing and danger.  Complicating her life is Jim Bradley, an old friend who has long been in love with her and wants her to return to her work. When criminals looking for her patient invade the serenity of her world, she must use her skills to save all three of their lives.


Be sure to check out more fabulous snippets on the  Weekend Writing Warriors website
and also Snippet Sunday, on Facebook.
Happy reading!
Categories: alternative medicine, energetic healing, healing, horse personalities, Horses, Mystery, romance, Romantic suspense, suspense, Uncategorized | 28 Comments

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28 thoughts on “Weekend Snippets #11

  1. Nice showing of her coming to terms with what she has to do.

  2. Very interesting, like the description of how she protects herself. Great snippet!

  3. burnsmillie

    Nice little eight. I can almost feel her inner conflict as if it were my own.

  4. I’m hooked enough to buy the book. But horses can be healing on their own.

  5. Nice description!

  6. I knew she would, but her reluctance and sympathetic pain makes her decision so realistic.

  7. Love the description of her surrounding and protecting herself. Very intriguing and nicely emotional. 🙂

  8. Unsure, she still does what she has to do; help the suffering man. Shows compassion and a sense of responsibility.

  9. siobhanmuir

    Sounds like she found the beginnings of her courage. Nicely done, Kate. 🙂

  10. First time visiting your Snippets! I really liked the action and intensity here. Very well done!

  11. Intense and urgent! I could really feel the emotion.

  12. Karen Michelle Nutt

    Love the way she comes to terms and the way she protects herself. Enjoyed the snippet!

  13. Great writing, Kate. She may be grieving and guilt ridden over her husband but her strong character is surfacing. I like her!

    History Sleuth’s Milk Carton Murders

  14. sharonbuchbinder

    I felt the ground sucking at her boots! I’ve been in that kind of muck and that’s all she needs to add to her problems. She’s resolved to help him and slowed down by Mother Nature!

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